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How to Implement Change in Children

We are in a period of time where children are very different today than they were 50 years ago.

There is no doubt in my mind that children in the 2000's are missing out on the jewels of simplicity that the children in my generation had the luxury of experiencing. In fact, much research has been done on the stark differences between the youth of today and the baby boomers, and it is widely known that our children in 2018 are growing up fast in a highly complicated world, comparatively speaking.

Our kids today belong to the generation of potentially over stimulated, under nourished, over fed, technically savvy, energetically sensitive, attention deprived and genetically mapped by science and modified by diet group of offspring that no other generation before it has ever been. Potentially...

One thing that is remarkably akin to all children in this generation however, is the ability to adapt very quickly once they understand the layout of the land. This can be both an ally and enemy, as they are extremely fast at getting bored with their environment, and skipping important developmental steps in learning as a result. Delayed gratification, self correcting and self discipline skills for example are commonly absent in the generation before them, and this can herald a similar pattern in our youth of today.

Whilst adaptation is the key to survival, one crucial step is often overstepped in our children of 2018...

The ability to fully connect with nature, other humans, property and in some cases animals, in a respectful and self healing manner.

For this reason, implementing change in children can be tricky to navigate. Connection is the key to most imbalances in the mental and emotional plane, and being connected to another person's feelings, line of thinking, physical discomfort and body language changes, allows us humans to read the environment we are in, in preparation for adaptation.

Our children are bombarded with so much 'noise' that these senses are becoming harder to sharpen than ever before. Instinct and intuition may well be a lost sense unless connection is achieved.

The beautiful thing about this however, is that it doesn't take much to reconnect, and therefore, for change to happen. To encourage a child in 2018 to implement change, is to entertain their inherent intelligence and estimate exactly what they find useful to help them adapt. Once they are equipped with that, its all about using the right tools to get the job at hand done.

For example, if a child is required to make dietary changes to help them achieve a health outcome, but are commonly resistant to changing their diet for anything, having them be part of the implementation process using their own technology may be the way through the resistance.

Here are my tips for helping your 2018 child adapt to necessary health changes:

1. Go slow to start with and explain the steps they need to take that line them up with the goals they are hoping to achieve eg clearer skin may mean less sugar intake and more skin cleansing routine, and achieving clearer skin will bring more self confidence, less stress, and better feelings.

2. Use their lingo - kids have, for every generation, developed their own lingo. Try to tap into that and bring their language into your reasonings behind their expected change.

3. When implementing supplements, bring low dosing in first and build. Aim for slow administration so that flavours and textures can be better tolerated for the long term if that is required and recommended by their practitioner. With liquids and powders, try making those into jelly, ice blocks and smoothies. Powdered supplements can be taken over the course of a day vs in two distinct doses if that is easier - as long as the dosing gets in (In most cases) for the day, this can be a great way to drip feed their health empowering herbs and nutrients.

4. Ensure your intention to have changes implemented, is strong, clear and focused - the moment a window of opportunity appears to relax the routine, children will take that as a clear message that they have permission to derail the efforts you are making to turn a health concern around. If in doubt - decide.

5. Incorporate technology into their health program - after all it is their modus operandi for doing anything these days. Help them research apps and websites, social media groups and blogs that help find more solutions to their health. The app of the year for example was one called CALM...this would be a perfect one for them to upload.

6. Connect - let them know they are not on their own with this journey - that you are joining them in their quest to be healthier, fitter, well and vital.

7. Bring them back to nature, simplicity, resting, trusting their intuition and following their heart.

Remember, although this generation are equipped already with the seemingly answers to everything, they don't have the wisdom of time and experience that you have...back yourself and their ability to change...

PS: I have a great referral for kids boxing classes if you would like to introduce your millennial child to a good old fashion form of exercise, focus and discipline.


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The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers regarding any medical condition or treatment.

The content of this article is based on general knowledge and research available up to its publication date. Medical knowledge and practices are constantly evolving, and what may be considered accurate and appropriate today may not apply to your specific circumstances. Therefore, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant decisions regarding your health.

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The mention of specific products, treatments, or procedures in this article does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation. It is advisable to conduct your own research and consult with healthcare professionals or experts in the respective fields to evaluate the suitability and safety of any products or treatments mentioned.

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Every individual is unique, and the effectiveness of any health advice may vary. It is crucial to consider your personal health history, allergies, medications, and individual circumstances before implementing any suggestions provided in this article.

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