Homeopathic Travel Kit
Taking a homeopathic kit on your journey can bring a lot of peace of mind, especially when you think of all the situations you may face whilst away. Bringing comfort when you are feeling unwell or injured can be worth its weight in gold.
This travel kit contains pillules that offer support with:
Food poisoning, headache, fever, bites and stings, gastro, nausea, hangovers, aches and sprains, food based traveller's concerns affecting the liver, feeling overwhelmed with travel, stress, homesickness, sore ears, scratchy throat, jetlag and much more.
This hand blended kit contains 10 Remedies of:
Apis 30, Arnica 30, Arsenicum album 30, Belladonna 30, Pulsatilla 30, Nux Vomica 30, M7 - Liver Blend, Jet Lag Blend, Sleep Mix, Immune Support.
The kit also includes a handy quick reference sheet, to guide you on how to use your remedies. The information in this kit is not intended to replace medical advice. It is recommended you seek medical help if you fall ill or are injured during your travels.
Additional remedies can be included upon enquiry, to suit your specific travel location ie Malaria prone countries.